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bursaries and prizes

the haelterman prize

The Haelterman Prize is aimed at junior and aspiring heraldic artists.


The Fellowship of the White Shield is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating exceptional artists in the field of heraldry. It also welcomes patrons who have supported and championed these talented artists. A few years ago, in the spirit of patronage, the Fellowship announced plans to award prizes and bursaries to emerging heraldic artists. Building on that promise, Kevin Haelterman, a Distinguished Companion of the White Shield proposed the introduction of a Junior Artist Prize.


"This award would recognize young artists who demonstrate remarkable potential, are in the process of discovering their unique artistic voice, and possess the dedication and perseverance needed to become future master artists. The goal is to highlight these artists, offering recognition and motivation, while also introducing them to established artists, patrons, and the larger heraldic community." 


The criteria for application is that the competition is open to artists up to the age of 30 and have a love and passion for heraldic art.  Applicants may submit a minimum of two examples and no more than four examples of their heraldic art for consideration by the awards panel. The art may be hand painted or digital but must be completely original and not a copy of another heraldic artist's work or style in any way. The Confraternity reserves the right to immediately remove any such work from the competition. To apply please write to the Confraternity via this website .  It must be titled "The Haelterman Prize". 


A selection will be made of two young artists from the submitted examples. The prize will include: - A $500 art prize which will be awarded to the winners for them for them to create a herald art work. In 2024 the theme for the prize will be a depiction of a coat of arms listed in the Confraternities Livre d'Or - This art will be displayed in a special gallery on the Confraternities website and the successful artists will each be made an Associate Artist of the White Shield (AAWS) 



The starting date for applications is the 18th October,2024 it being the Feast of St. Luke, patron of the Confraternity. 

The closing date for applications is 31st December 2024.

The winners will be announced on January 31st, 2025. They will be enrolled in the Confraternity on May 1st 2025. The decision of the Adjudicators is final.




Associate Artists must continue to exhibit new works to a consistent original standard for a minimum of 24 months at which point they may at the discretion of the Confraternity be invited to join as an Artist Companion of the White Shield.


the brim-deforest prize
 for heraldic originality 

The Brim-DeForest prize is a bi-annual heraldic art prize open to all heraldic artists and Scholars. It will have a set theme each time the prize is offered. The inaugural theme for the 2024 Prize is as follows: 


To design a coat of arms suitable for the Confraternity of Our Lady, St. Luke and the White shield. The design must incorporate elements of the confraternity and the traditions of heraldic art and scholarship in a unique and original way. The submission may be a traditional painting,  a digital rendition or it may be a blazon sketch. The Prize of $1500.00 USD is offered by Brady Brim-DeForest of Balvaird Castle, a Distinguished Companion of the White Shield. To apply please write to the Confraternity via this website  It must be titled, "The Brim-DeForest Prize"


The design or the art must be completely original and not copied from the work or style of other heraldic artists or scholars in any way. The Confraternity reserves the right to immediately remove any such work from the competition.  





The starting date for applications is the 18th October, 2024 it being the Feast of St. Luke, patron of the Confraternity. 

The closing date for applications is 31st December 2024.

The winners will be announced on May 1st, 2025 it being the Feast of Our Lady of the May.

The decision of the adjudicators is final.



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